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When you have big ideas, but want a lifestyle of less clutter and more space, let us guide you in the process of creating an environment rich in style and carefully crafted for sustainability and minimal impact.

Vanessa Dunaway, Principal

My Element Is Design

My story begins in the garden.  As a teenager I held a part-time job at a local garden center where I developed a passion for horticulture, spending time learning the names and care requirements for native trees, shrubs and perennials, designing and redesigning gardens in my backyard as I discovered new plant species.  I derived satisfaction in working the land and engaging with the natural world while creating spaces that brought about relaxation, improved health and well-being.  

I was formally trained as a landscape architect in college, where my understanding of the art, science, and business of making outdoor spaces was heightened. I became even more aware how increasingly our well-being relies on the interdependence of the natural ecosystem. As I developed professionally, I grew attached to my desk and computer screen, spending more and more time inside an office with little fresh air, sunlight, physical activity and zero engagement with the outdoors.  It was a complete contradiction to the very profession I was supporting. Out of frustration I turned towards the design of the interior, exploring ways to combine color, pattern and texture, or intentionally place plants and wood grained materials to reconnect with my natural surroundings. 


Although, I still found it difficult not to run outdoors to put my hands in the dirt, my mood was immediately improved by working next to a sun filled window, painting a wall purple, or surrounding myself with pets, paintings or objects from my travels. A personalized, minimal and uncluttered space was key to improving my physical and mental outlook.  Interior and exterior space had no boundary, spatial design just flowed.  To compliment my foundational training I then pursued further education in interior design and spent five years specializing in the heart of the home, the kitchen, a space where I could make significant social and physiological impact.

I also knew that I had to tread lightly on the earth with my design choices.  It was a partnership with mother nature that would bring me the greatest meaning. This was a professional choice that I could stand behind. I became committed to reducing our carbon footprint, choosing materials that have a high green rating while living simply, and incorporating outdoor living space and gardens that minimized adverse environmental effects.  My business foundation and tagline, "Wildly Inspired Spaces" was born.

Boston                       Berkshires                     Hudson Valley, NY 

© 2021 elementisdesign

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